#bugsnax noodler
gayest-squrrel · 23 days
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The noodler incident......
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mushroomjuice · 2 years
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I spent five hours drawing all my favourite bugsnax and I’m really super happy with how this turned out :,)
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3eyezmug · 2 years
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shwoo · 2 years
Okay here's my thoughts about Chandlo Bugsnax and Floofty Bugsnax's relationship.
...That's their surnames now. Everyone is Bugsnax.
Anyway, Floofty and Chandlo don't have much interaction in the base game, despite being practically in-laws. Floofty calls him "that green meathead" while trying to argue that Snorpy is refusing to help them out of cowardice, so they seem pretty dismissive of him.
When you ask Chandlo to help with Floofty's experiments, he doesn't mention Snorpy at all, just says he doesn't want to help because of "what they put Eggabell through." And I could write another 700 words overanalysing that line, but that's more about Eggabell and Floofty's relationship, and what their experiments together actually entailed, so I'll skip over that. The point is that Chandlo seems annoyed with Floofty, but only over something that happened with Eggabell, not whatever Snorpy's problem with Floofty is.
The closest thing Chandlo and Floofty have to a conversation is in the sequence after the big party, where Floofty tells Eggabell not to risk her life looking for someone who's probably dead, and Chandlo responds "Dawg, Lizbert is alive! And we're not gonna leave her behind." Which is barely an interaction.
So that was all there was to go on originally. But then the DLC came out! And they went on the (Snorpy trailer line voice)miniature expedition(/Snorpy trailer line voice) together, and had actual interactions. It's also mentioned that Snorpy doesn't want Floofty to talk to Chandlo, and has sent Floofty "a pile of threatening letters" telling them to stay away from him. It's not clear if Snorpy started doing that before or after he came to the conclusion that Floofty was a Grumpinati agent.
I don't think Snorpy is actively preventing Chandlo from talking to Floofty or anything, but Chandlo knows it upsets him, and seems to have made it his life's mission to keep Snorpy from getting too stressed out. He also tells Floofty kind of reluctantly that Snorpy doesn't like him talking to them, like he doesn't really want to say it. Maybe he thought Floofty would get upset.
But once Snorpy is out of range, Chandlo starts acting really friendly towards Floofty. Maybe he wants the opportunity to get to know them better. Since he's been close to Floofty's brother for a long time, he'd know better than most people that Floofty wants to help people, not eat them. I feel like he probably wouldn't think Floofty was evil even if he wasn't already acquainted with them, though.
But Floofty just responds by patronisingly ordering him around or threatening him. I don't know if they don't like nicknames in general, don't like being nicknamed by Chandlo in particular, or don't like that it's so close to what he calls Snorpy, but they're really hostile while telling him not to call them that.
They also threaten Chandlo offscreen with "an excoriating worth of [his] fatuity", (a chewing out worthy of his stupidity) apparently because Chandlo tried to help them with their lab. They really seem to have something against Chandlo, like they had something against the Journalist.
In the Journalist's case, it's their profession, but for Chandlo… I think the answer is the bit where Chandlo gives his hypothesis ("If this island can make big Bunger, can it make big Chandlo?"), and Floofty gets upset and angrily asks him what their brother sees in him.
And maybe they're just asking how Snorpy can stand to be around someone so stupid, but I prefer to think that they specifically believe that he's too stupid to date their genius brother. They're just being protective! In a very patronising and misinformed way.
Floofty's opinion of Chandlo improves a lot after their campfire talk. I guess they realised their impression of Chandlo was wrong? Part of Floofty's plot in Bigsnax is realising that people they wrote off as stupid actually do have something to contribute if they actually talked to them. Maybe it's because Chandlo listened and engaged intelligently with their description of what happened, instead of putting Floofty in a headlock like they apparently expected.
Also, I love that bit because Chandlo's response implies that he did put Floofty in a headlock at least once, but they're cool now. I would like to know more about this.
And then they start getting along, with Floofty asking Chandlo to build… probably a giant hamster ball? And Chandlo apparently convincing Floofty not to call it the Engorged Strabbiform Orbacular Encasement like they wanted.
And then they're outright working together before the boss fight, injecting Sprout with a mystery substance, and encouraging the Journalist to mess around with the ancient technology they just found.
They're friends now. :) Reckless, reckless friends. :)
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xaurianqueen97 · 1 month
Me when I'm not playing bugsnax: Floofty is one of my favorite characters, they're so interesting and also purple
Me playing bugsnax during the quest to get floof back to town:
"I want to kick you in the jaw."
"I KNOW you know how to say please, tho you probably haven't in a decade."
"You need FOUR cocomites?"
"You know what, I'm getting a noodler whenever it's convenient for ME, I've had quite enough of you for one day!"
*frustrated screaming*
Then I normally kind of speed run their main quest because it makes me sad
Then after the failed decapitation I still grumble at them but I bring them a treat everyday because I despise them but I still have a crush. I am very silly.
I don't have anything to say about the dlc yet because I haven't finished it lol.
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greeb-theartist · 1 month
Made a really big rant on wambus in my friends discord server, wanted to share it;
I wanna do a really big info dump on Wambus and Triffany's relationship and also talk about Wambus himself cuz he's pretty cool and I'm really fixated on him now... so:
I think a lot about Wambus tbh. Lemme explain. I feel like that's why he's so attached to Triffany, and everytime she doesn't come back for days and nights on end you can see it in the beginning of this game he just has this gut feeling that she's not coming back for him. I'll say it once and I'll say it again, wambus did not cheat on triffany with the cactus. cactriffy was created because of Wambus' unstable emotional attachment to Triffany.
When Triffany doesn't come back for awhile, rather instead of bottling his feelings up and exploding one day on her way random he tries to talk to the cactus about it. Cactriffy is a type of coping mechanism for him to deal with his abandonment he feels like he facing. Wambus is stubborn though, a crucial part to his character yes, but Triffany is too and I believe that is what many people in the fandom forget. He didn't cheat on her, she didn't cheat on him, all that happened was that they were both too set in their ways and hobbies to apologize to one another.
I feel like what people in the fandom also don't consider is that Triffany held her stakes *way* too high for Wambus. She expect so much of him it seemed, and it can probably come from her whole ordeal she has to be like her grandmother and such. They both have expectations they've tailed to live up too, and have different ways of coping with it. Triffany's way however seems to be staying away from humanity, more comfortable with intimate objects. Wambus is too, but he also misses feels like he failed Triffany so much he can't be forgiven, he can't be believed in anymore.
Speaking of not feeling he can be believed him anymore, I feel like this fandom tends to ignore his death voices lines. Wambus DIES thinking he is a failure, the others do not. His death is unique because it points out something about him: He was so set in his beliefs, he didn't realize Triffany loved him. And the truth is? It's because she didn't show it as much as she should. The whole reason why Triffany plans to grow a garden of all his favorite plants and such is because now the failure has shifted to her. She's now realized she's failed him not only as a wife but as a friend too.
With this next part I'm stepping into a bit of theoretical theory, but when watching @doomedpuppetyuri replay bugsnax, it had shown me a few times where Wambus was often mistreated by the cast. Take for the beginning party for example, I am always extremely infuriated by how people make such a joke of it. When Gramble says to Wambus "you don't know a thing about love, that's why your wife left you" it feels like an assumption. Triffany did *NOT* in any way leave Wambus, there a difference between packing up your things and leaving someone behind us. A stubborn personality getting in the way of an apology. They were not divorced in anyway or how, they were simply doing their own thing to handle their lives. Another thing I've noticed is Gramble often brings up Wambus a lot more than Wambus brings up Gramble. People forget that Wambus never starts the arguments, he is easily agitated. He doesn't speak much either. Same thing with the whole idea people have where Wambus threw cromdo out of spite or something. Cromdo, like the man he is but no hate to cromdo I love him probably agitated Wambus in some way that made him do that, and a small detail too is that in the DLC, Floofty has picked on Wambus too once (stating, Wambus doesn't trut Floofty since the 'Noodler Incident')
(And also I just wanna say no hate to any other characters I mention in this I've just noticed this about their relationship with Wambus.)
Wambus' emotions are their own topic themselves, because people often forget he's grumpy all the time, people make him grumpy. He's easily able to change his mood depending on what he's exposed to from other Grumps, and it feels like the some of other Grumps aren't nice to him. But Wambus is also at fault here sightly, because he's not the best at handling criticism and such, his mood can often change. Take the first scene where we meet Wambus for example: due to his stubborn qualities, when Filbo says something (accidentally) it provokes Wambus to be more hostile towards him. However, you can tell he is regretful. He is regretful when he apologizes to Filbo, Gramble, and Triffany.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this has probably been my longest ramble ever on wambus troubleham 💔💔
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angered-box · 3 months
anyway let me tell you how fucking insane the voicecast for bugsnax is.
Max Mittelman (Filbo, Noodler, Crapple) - ryuji from p5, saitama in one punch man, atsushi in bsd (what.), and like 500 more
Cassandra Lee Morris (Beffica, Lollive, Tacroach) - morgana p5, sothis fe3h, ringo in an upcoming puyo game (YIPPEE NEW PUYO . ayway), and like a billion more shes everywhere
Sam Riegel (Gramble) - prinny in disgaea, teddie in p4 but he's uncredited lmao, phoenix wright (in dual destines and like one other?) but he's uncredited there too, alphinaud in ff14, and also like five bajillion more
Yuri Lowenthal (Chandlo) - MINATO AND RYOJI IN PERSONA 3 (fes), Eiichiro Takeba in P3Re tho :>, peter parker in the spiderman games, marth in fe engage (marth <3), dainsleif genshin impact, yosuke in p4, five bajillion more yuri is fucking EVERYWHERE
Casey Mongillo (Floofty) - Shinji in the netflix redub of nge, chilchuck from dunmeshi, the protag in smt v
Tom Taylorson who i alrady told you abt
Todd Haberkorn (Chillynilly, Flapjackarack, Waffstackarak, Scropepper, Shishkabug, Megamaki) - Razor genshin impact, italy in hetalia (lmao????), hes in more stuff im just too lazy to keep looking
Robbie Daymond (Paletoss Grande, Buffalocust, Incherrito, Pineantula, Pinkle, Scorpenyo, Scoopy) - goro akeppi p5 . hes in a million billion other things but thats the important one
also i was wrong abt erika i swore she was here but nope skdgdk . u can find the full voicecast on imdb these r just the ones i know in particular
see the funniest thing was i knew i heard max mittelman and cassandra morris! i love their voice acting they do great (along with everyone else) but gawd. insane voicecast.
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Bugsnax Community Questions ~ Poll #2
Reminder of what bugsnax are where:
Flavor Falls: strabby, Rootle, white Rootle, caramel poptick, Sandopede, Sub Sandopede, Ruby Peelbug, Pinkle, Inchwrap, Green Lolive, Twisty Snakpod, Wee Mewon, Mama Mewon
Garden Grove: Bunger, Fryder, Shishkabug, Dr Sodie, Sweetiefly, Weenyworm, White Strabby, Cobhopper, Crispy Snakpod
Boiling Bay: Greater Cocomite, Lesser Cocomite, Paletoss grande, paletoss, Grapeskeeto, Noodler, Flamin' Cheepoof, La Sodieux, Green Crapple, Golden Kweeble, Red Banopper, Sherbie, Fruity Snakpod, Minimaki, Megamaki
Simmering Springs: Kweeble, Crapple, Pineantula, Orange Peelbug, Green Grapeskeeto, Razzby, Baja Tacroach, Snaquiri, Lovely Sweetiefly, Tropicabug, Waffstackarak, Grumpy Snakpod
Sizzlin' Sands: Tacroach, Incherito, Black Razzby, Black Lolive, Preying Picantis, Scorpepper, Eggler, Cheezer, Flapjackarak, Buffalocust, Loaded Spuddy, Sodie D, Meaty Snakpod, Bombino, Mothza Supreme
Scorched Gorge: BBQ Bunger, Sweet Fryder, Spuddy, Ribblepede, Poptick, Cheepoof, White Cheepoof, Green Peelbug, Scorpenyo, Crystal Sweetiefly, Shy Weenyworm, Puffy Snakpod
Frosted Peak: Chippie, Instabug, Scoopy, Cheery, Scoopy Banoopy, Banopper, Stewdler, Chillynilly, Flutterjam, Mt Sodie, Aggroll, Melty Snakpod, Baby Cakelegs, Daddy Cakelegs
Sugarpine Woods: Kwookie, Hunnabee, Cinnasnail, Charmallow, Bopsicle, Big bopsicle, Yellow Peelbug, Sprinklepede, Rainbow Sweetiefly, Nutty Snakpod
Broken Tooth: Bunger Royale, Cheddorb, Millimochi, Clawbsteroni, Pielobite, Cellystix, Chocolant, Spaghider, Deviled Eggler, Tikkada Masala, Cheddaboardle Rex
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jenevipcoraz · 5 months
i got bored lol. bugsnax pronouns hcs because yes
Flavor Falls
Strabby - he/him
Pinkle - it/he/pickle
Rootle - he/him
White Rootle - she/they
Green Lollive - he/they
Inchwrap - he/it
Sandopede - she/her
Sub Sandopede - he/him
Ruby Peelbug - he/him
Caramel Poptick - he/it
Twisty Snakpod - any
Wee Mewon - he/him
Mama Mewon - she/her
Garden Grove
Bunger - he/him/cheese
Fryder - she/her
Shishkabug - he/him
Sweetiefly - he/it
White Strabby - she/they (demi girl)
Dr Sodie - she/they/soda
Weenyworm - she/her
Cobhopper - she/it
Crispy Snakpod - any
Simmering Springs
Kweeble - she/her (the 3 Kweebles (Gramble’s pets) are girls but Charwee prefers he/him)
Red Crapple - he/they (transmasc)
Pineantula - they/it (nonbinary goals)
Orange Peelbug - it/they (agender goals)
Razzby - she/her
Green Grapeskeeto - he/him/grapes (trans ftm)
Snaquiri - any but mostly uses she/her (she/any)
Tropicabug - they/them
Lovely Sweetiefly - she/her (she’s a lesbian. to me)
Baja Tacroach - he/him (bi goals)
Waffstackarak - he/it
Grumpy Snakpod - any
Boiling Bay
Golden Kweeble - he/him
Green Crapple - she/they (transfem)
Grapeskeeto - she/it/grapes
Greater Cocomite - they/them (nb and like Floofty)
Lesser Cocomite - he/him (like Snorpy. also he’s gay. to me)
La Sodieux - she/her/soda
Noodler - she/her (butch gurl)
Paletoss (Grande)- she/her
Red Banopper - he/it/banana
Flamin’ Cheepoof - they/flames/burns/it
Sherbie - she/her
Fruity Snakpod - any
Minimaki - he/him
Megamaki - she/her (she’s trans mtf. to me also the minimakis biggest sister)
Scorched Gorge
BBQ Bunger - he/they/cheese
Sweet Fryder - he/she
Ribblepede - it/she
Poptick - she/her
Scorpenyo - he/him
Spuddy - he/him
Shy Weenyworm - he/they
Cheepoof - he/him
White Cheepoof - she/her
Crystal Sweetiefly - he/it
Green Peelbug - he/him
Puffy Snakpod - any
Sizzlin’ Sands
Loaded Spuddy - he/they
Tacroach - she/it
Preying Picantis - he/him
Black Lollive - she/they
Buffalocust - it/they/he
Eggler - she/her
Flapjackarak - she/it
Scorpepper - she/her
Incherrito - she/her (transfem)
Black Razzby - he/they (demi boy)
Sodie D - she/her/soda
Cheezer - he/him
Meaty Snakpod - any
Bombino - it/he
Mothza Supreme - he/him
Sugarpine Woods
Kwookie - he/him
Charmallow - she/her
Cinnasnail - any (ultimate nb goals)
Hunnabee - any but mostly they/them/it/its (they/it/any)
Sprinklepede - she/her/it
Yellow Peelbug - she/her
(Big) Bopsicle - he/him
Rainbow Sweetiefly - she/her
Nutty Snakpod - any
Frosted Peak
Banopper - he/him
Scoopy - she/her
Cheery - any (genderfluid)
Scoopy Banoopy - she/her
Aggroll - she/it
Chippie - she/her
Chillynilly - he/him
MT Sodie - he/him
Flutterjam - she/they
Stewdler - he/him
Instabug - she/her
Melty Snakpod - any
Baby Cakelegs - she/her
Daddy Cakelegs - he/him
Broken Tooth
Royale Bunger - they/it/cheese
Cheddorb - he/it
Millimochi - any (genderfluid)
Spaghider - it/they
Clawbsteroni -they/mac/cheese/it
Tikkada Masala - she/any
Pielobite - they/them
Chocolant - he/him (girl but prefers he/him)
Cellystix - she/her (butch)
Delivers Eggler - he/she/they (agender)
Cheddarboardle Rex - they/them
other (triplicate space/undersnax(?????))
Cappuceetle - he/they (demiboy)
Snaxsquatch - any, they actually don’t care lol
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irlguppy · 2 years
Bugsnax Guide
After spending many many hours struggling to complete the game I figured it would be cool to post a guide to make it a bit easier for other Snaxburg residents! These are specifically for Steam achievements cus I don't know if the achievements are the same on console / other platforms.
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Bugsnax Achievements(30/30)
All unmissable/story achievements will be green!
Everybody Gets One
Catching your very first Bugsnak earns you this achievement.
Once you help Filbo there is a pair of waterfalsl nearby, walk into the left one to get this achievement.
Gone Home
Follow Filbo back to town for this one!
Double Trapper
Catching 2+ Bugsnak in the Snak Trap at once is really easy, try using sauce to lure two of the same Snaks into your trap.
Perf Dirt
After going back to Snaxburg with Beffica, return to her cave in Garden Grove and take the diary from her cave.
Catch 25 unique Bugsnax, you'll get this as you complete the game since you're required to get a lot of them to complete Bugsnax.
Launch Party
Stunning a flying Bugsnak with another Bugsnak is a bit of an annoying achievement to get (the launch pad is required to do this achievement). Lure a Bugsnak onto your launch pad and throw it at a flying Bugsnak!
Combo Meal
This one can be earned really easily, go back to Garden Grove to catch a Bunger, Fryder, and Sodie. After you've gotten them go back to Snaxburg and feed them all to transform a Grumpus into a combo meal.
Midnight Snak
This achievement is evil and makes me sad :(. You have to feed Gramble a Bugsnak while he sleepwalks around Snaxburg.
That Reminds Me of A Puzzle
You can either solve the puzzle in Boiling Bay or Sizzling Sands (Don't worry I'll explain how to do both).
Boiling Bay
Go into the cave with Noodlers and Flaming Cheepoofs and you'll see statues of Cocomites. Each statue is numbered different with the numbers 1-4 just press them in the order of far right , middle left , middle right , and far left to open the path to Sizzling Sands.
Sizzling Sands
If you go here first you'll see Incherrito statues to your left, follow them in the order of close left , far right , close right , far left to open up Boiling Bay.
Say Cheese!
Once you unlock Cheese Sauce you can hit a Grumpus with it and then scan them to unlock this easy cheesy achievement!
I'm Stuffed
Using Bugsnax you've collected you can fully transofrm a Grumpus. Change their hair, teeth, body , nose , hands , etc etc.
In The Arms of the Gramble
After bringing Gramble to Snaxburg you can donate Bugsnax to his ranch, after you donate the max amount you'll get this achievement. There's 3 levels of donations, the first is 6 , 2nd is 12 , and 3rd is 18 total.
Halfway There
This one can also be done just by doing the regular playthrough as long as you capture 50 Bugsnax.
After you unlock the Trip Shot, attach it to the Buggy Ball and use it to to trip a Bugsnak for this achievement.
Talkin' Bout Bugsnax
Interview EVERY Grumpus, to make this easier just do it as they get back to Snaxburg. For Eggabell do it when you meet her in Frosted Peak. I don't think this achievement is missable so correct me if wrong!
Know Thy Neighbor
Bringing each Grumpus back to Snaxburg gets you this achievement as it's story locked
Dapper Capper
While you play the game Bugsnax will appear wearing hats, capture them to unlock hints for other hats (the hints will appear on the side of Gramble's Barn). Just collect every hat wearing Bugsnak to get 10 hats!
Candid Cryptid
The Snaxquatch will appear in different areas and disappears kinda fast once you see it. An easier time to scan it is near the end of the game when you hear Filbo calling for help, before you jump down pull out your scanner.
Watching all 5 of Lizbert's diaries unlocks this achievement (pretty easy if you're already doing the sidequests).
In Lizbert / Eggabell's hut on the shelf.
In Lizbert / Eggabell's hut inside the cabinet (complete Beffica's sidequests for the key).
In Lizbert / Eggabell's hut in the chest (complete Chandlo's quests for the key).
In Sugarpine Woods there's a reel hidden inside a bag, follow the edge to find it (though it isn't hard to see the bag in the distance).
At Shedla's hut there's a chest, do her quests to get the chest and complete Floofty's sidequests to get the key .
Grab Bag
Get all of the Snakpods in one area, just do Garden Grove as it's the easiest one to do. They make sounds when you get close so it isn't hard to find as long as you know the general area.
Befficas cave.
Jump onto the tree tops to see Beffica's window, there is a Snakpod hiding in the branches.
Find the Fryder cave, there is a Snakpod on the inside pillar.
Go to where you met Wambus, there is a Snakpod at the entrance of the area.
The last Snakpod is behind the pen.
Sundae Best
Similar to Combo Meal you need to transform a Grumpus with Scoopy, Banopper, and Cheery. (Break the Scoopy Banoopy to get all the parts separately).
Bossy Bugs
Beat all of the Legendary Bugsnax, you need to defeat the four bosses in the base game. Get the quests through members of Snaxburg as they're all sidequests.
Mama Mewon, Megamaki, Mothza Supreme, Daddy Cakelegs
Feeding Frenzy
Transform each Grumpus body ENTIRELY. (Feed gramble when hes asleep, put stuff in Shedla's box).
If you complete all 38 missions you'll get the achievement. Talk to each Wumpus everyday, check your mail, and do all their quests even if its a frustrating one!
Got to Catch Them All
Very time consuming task but can be done! Collect all 100 Bugsnax in the base game, if you beat every sidequest you can find each Bugsnak just collect as you go.
Deep Impact
There's the Broken Tooth DLC. beat the DLCs story and return to Snaxburg for the achievement to go off.
Live Laugh Hut
Decorate your hut to the fullest, do this achievement later after completing the request missions from your mailbox to upgrade your hut and get items from Snaxburg members.
Make sure all of the Grumpuses survive at the end of the game, if you beat all of the sidequests before going to end game content then everyone is invincible and will survive. If they aren't invincible when you do the end game just make sure none of the residents get touched by a Snakbug. (You can reload your save just before the end game you can complete all the stuff you missed).
Vacation's End
Earn this by completing the main story of Bugsnax!
This was definitely a lot shorter than Spyro was LOL. Congrats on beating Bugsnax and thank you for reading my guide! Skill point guide for Spyro will also be posted today!
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thegalleonsnest · 1 year
for the snax ask game
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✏️ - The obvious answer is Gramble lol. Though it took me a while to really feel and nail the design I wanted to give him. He definitely gained a lot more "rodent" features (scruffier fur, emphasis on his buck teeth). But honestly, Cromdo and Shelda are really fun to draw for the off chance I get to do them. Cromdo cause he's a funny trash man where I was cursed to draw him pretty well right off the bat, and Shelda cause she is an older lady with a body frame that's just interesting to work on.
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😊 - Chordical, my self-insert/grumpsona that I made almost 2 years ago now. I've taken a lot of care to write him as basically his own person, but he still carries a lot facets of who I am of course. Down to earth, gentle, caring, but reasonable and understanding where he needs to be. Also graduated as an art major, but decided to take some time off to support his family at the time, and then a sudden "vacation" to snaktooth. And yes, he's got his heart out for Gramble lol. He's got his own set of issues to deal with, but the worst of it is being brought out as being the mediator between Gramble and Wambus. A lot of baggage, but he's doing his best.
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❌ - Ooooh that one is really tough... If we're talking about from a pure mechanical/gameplay perspective, the flaming cheepoof easily. Literally placed in the worst place ever. Flying around Lava, surrounded by aggressive noodlers that will pick a fight with literally ANY bugsnax within range. So trying to get that guy out of there and near any source of water is utter hell. All my homies hate flamin' cheepoof. But if we're talking like...taste-wise...probably ribblepede. Sorry, but that thing ain't got no bones (usually not a problem, but it's the illusion of it here), and I hate super chewy meat, especially the fat parts. I would CRY if I got a huge chunk of that while eating it.
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hungry-skeleton · 1 year
What are your favourite Bugsnax, mine are Bunger, Crapple, Pineantula, Fryder (even tho I have arachnophobia), Noodler, Cwookie and Cinnasnail
Sandopede 👍👍👍👍
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adoribullpavus · 2 years
my favourite little details about bugsnax is that wambus has banned floofty from speaking to him because of a "noodler incident" and that when chandlo asked wambus to play basketball he just dropped the ball into the basket and walked away
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sponges-place · 1 year
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Came up with this idea for a smash moveset for Filbo Fiddlepie from Bugsnax. Let me make it clear that I did this for fun, and didn't really take into account stuff like how well this moveset would work in a competitive setting. What I'm saying is don't take this too seriously. This is gonna be a long one, strap in folks.
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*Entrance-Filbo rides in on the flying ship from the beginning of Bugsnax.
*Jab Combo-A couple of slaps, followed by Filbo flailing his arms around like he's catfighting.
*Forward Tilt-A headbutt.
*Up Tilt-Filbo swings his paw above his head.
*Down Tilt-Filbo reaches out with a slap while crouch.
*Dash Attack-Filbo trips and falls on his face.
*Forward Smash-Filbo's hand turns into a Noodler, and he jabs it forward.
*Up Smash-Filbo hops in place as his horns turn into Banoppers.
*Down Smash-Filbo's hand turns into a Spaghider and he whips it to both sides.
*Neutral Aerial-Filbo flaps his hands wildly, as if he's trying to stop himself from falling.
*Forward Aerial-Filbo's hand turns into a Cocomite, and swings it downward.
*Up Aerial-Filbo's hands turn into Rainbow Sweetieflies, and he claps them above his head.
*Back Aerial-Filbo's hand turns into a Dr. Sodie, and he swings it behind him.
*Down Aerial-Filbo stomps downwards as his feet turn into Big Bopsilces.
*Grab & Pummel-Filbo grabs the opponent with the bug net, and elbows them.
*All of his throws were essentially copied from Villager.
*The Bugsnax series icon is a Strabby.
(The two Kirby hats are just two different ideas I had for them, pick the one you prefer)
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*Neutral Special: Sauce Slinger-Filbo pulls out the Sauce Slinger (which can be held like Link's bow), and fires chocolate at his opponent. If hit, the opponent is covered in chocolate and will take 1.25x damage from your attacks (like Inkling's ink mechanic).
*Side Special: Snakgrappler-Filbo uses the Snakgrappler to grab whatever's in front of him. Against opponents, it works as a quick grab and throw, but it can also be used to grab items and ledges.
*Up Special: Lunchpad-Filbo uses the lunchpad to spring up into the air. It basically works like Sonic or Banjo & Kazooie's Up Specials.
*Down Special: Buggy Ball-Filbo places down Sprout the Strabby on the stage. Pressing Down B again while he's out causes him to run to you. Sprout damages any opponents he runs into, but he can't jump, so he can only follow you horizontally, he can jump off of the Lunchpad, though.
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Sprout will follow opponents covered in chocolate automatically as long as they're close enough.
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*Final Smash: Feeding Frenzy-A massive horde of Bugsnax run across the stage, damaging any opponent they run into. It ends with a legendary bugsnak dealing the finishing blow.
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*Up Taunt-Filbo does his funny little dance that he does at parties.
*Side Taunt-Filbo gets surprised by a Bunger.
*Down Taunt-Filbo hugs one of his plushies.
*Victory Screen 1-Filbo chases a Strabby back and forth.
*Victory Screen 2-Filbo builds a campfire and sits down next to it.
*Victory Screen 3-Filbo finishes an interview with the Journalist, then he stands around awkwardly.
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*Filbo's colors are all based on other major characters from Bugsnax. I chose the colors based on color combinations I liked, but also tried to pick colors that had visual variety.
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*Stage-SnaxBurg: Players fight on a flat plane, but can jump up onto the SnaxBurg sign in the middle. In the background, other residents of SnaxBurg hang around to watch the fight. (The houses are just in the background, you can't interact with them).
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*Filbo's music list and spirits (The pink triangle marks remixes). I know Bugsnax has been out for a couple years now, but Smash sometimes tries to avoid more spoiler-y stuff for more recent games, so that's why I left certain songs and spirits out.
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*Mii costumes that get released alongside the character pack.
*The PvZ costume comes with a music track (Brainiac Maniac).
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*Filbo's Classic Mode-First Come, First Serve: The theme of this classic mode is characters known for eating. There's a twist to the gameplay in that food is constantly raining down (except for in the boss stage).
*Round 1-Alph (Garden of Hope): The Koppaites are known for their appetites, and Pikmin 3 (Alph's debut game) is all about collecting food.
*Round 2-Pac-Man (Battlefield Pac-Land): I don't think I need to explain this one.
*Round 3-Pit (Palutena's Temple): Pit loves food. He also wasn't used in Kirby's classic mode, so this helps Filbo's route stand out.
*Round 4-Bowser (Paper Mario): Putting Bowser on the Paper Mario stage and choosing the song "Tough Guy Alert" was a reference to "Bowser's Inside Story", a game about Bowser eating things.
*Round 5-Yoshi Team (Super Happy Tree): Another self-explanatory one. To differentiate from Kirby's route, I made it multi-man fight.
*Round 6-Kirby & King Dedede (Fountain of Dreams): You already fight Dedede on Fountain of Dreams in Kirby's classic route, but hey... Now Kirby's here too.
*Boss-Rathalos: Fighting a giant monster in the harsh wilderness is something that happens a few times in Bugsnax, so I tried to reflect that here.
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shwoo · 1 year
On this spooky Floofty Friday the thirteenth of @flooftober... Wait, Friday the 13th was almost two weeks ago. I remember. I had to buy a new router because the old one got struck by lightning.
Well, it's the thirteenth story, anyway. Day 26, the prompts are "siren" and "lava" and I got Floofty as the random character for Floofty to interact with. Floofty + Floofty + siren was such an interesting combination that I made the story double length, and edited it more heavily to make it come across how I wanted. Also used the lava prompt because I'll take any excuse to put lava in something.
(Prompt list)
Title: Environmental conditions or by exertion Summary: Floofty encounters a strange temptation inside the volcano. (Also on AO3)
Floofty was starting to consider using one of the Bugsnax to scoop samples from the lava, and they knew the heat was getting to them. The Snax were fluttering above them, saying "Cheepoof" over and over. That was what they were called. Yes. They didn't seem bothered by the heat, and they were already on fire, so they might hold up better than the equipment they'd brought with them.
Actually, maybe they should be keeping away from the lava and the spicy Snax right now. Grumpuses had developed a fascinating adaptation against serious burns, which was absent even in their closest extant relatives, but they felt it might work against them at the moment. Even if it was the flammable oils on their skin burning and not their skin or fur, being on fire would still heat them up, and if they got much hotter, they were in danger of passing out before they could extinguish themself. And that would be such a pointless way to die.
Wouldn't it? It probably would be.
"Blast this heat," they muttered, trying to squeeze some of the sweat out of their fur. Their long fur was an excellent protection from the sun, but in this stifling cave, it was more of a liability.
"Yes, it can be quite vexing," said Floofty, next to them.
Floofty jumped back, nearly slipped, and pointed at their doppelganger. "Where in the name of science did you come from?" They reached out to touch them, but the other them stepped back.
Floofty's vision swam, and they saw that this version of them had undergone complete Snakification. Their shape and voice were still recognisably Floofty, and they seemed to be wearing Floofty's bow tie and goggles, but otherwise, they were a mishmash of Noodler, Cheepoof, Paletoss, and maybe some Cocomite.
The other Floofty adopted a thoughtful posture that Floofty knew well. "Do you recall when you cut off your leg? You wondered where the Snakmatter went. Now, you have your answer." They indicated themself.
Floofty looked down at their peg leg, then at their doppelganger. "Ah. Clearly the heat has made me delirious. Farewell, imaginary duplicate." They turned to leave the cave and get back to the cooler night air.
"Choosing the path of cowardice?" said the Snakified Floofty.
Floofty froze. "What?"
"You encounter a completely unknown phenomenon, with great implications for your work, and yet you choose to walk away," continued the other Floofty. They started pacing, back and forth over the rock and into the lava. "I have discovered the extent of the Bugsnax's regenerative capacities, the exact mechanism by which these capacities function, the source of their alluring taste, and countless other revelations. Does that not pique your interest?"
Floofty paused. It really was too hot to think straight. But if this was real, could they really afford to lose this opportunity? They'd learned a lot so far, but it was only a tiny fraction of what there was to understand about Bugsnax.
The Snakified Floofty backed away, further into the lava. "Once you've learned all I have, nobody will call you dangerous or unstable again. When you speak, others will listen."
As they spoke, Floofty began slowly to step forward.
"You will usher in the technology to reverses or prevent innumerable tragedies," continued the other Floofty. "Scientific journals will fight for the chance to publish what you know, and Snorpington will believe in your work again."
There was a hissing and crackling, and the smell of burning wood. Floofty flinched, and looked down to see that they'd stepped into the lava with their peg leg. Not with their right leg, which would have spread the fire to the rest of their body in an instant, but their left, which was currently made of somewhat less flammable wood. They stamped the remaining fire out, before stumbling out of the cave at an awkward run.
They made it to the water's edge and sat down hard on the sugary sands, letting the waves cool them down.
They absolutely could not go back in there to check if what they'd seen was real. Not until they'd got some sleep, and checked the damages on their peg leg, and collated the latest telemetry from the Snaktivator, and gathered enough sauce to last them through the rest of their Bugsnax fast, and… There was so much to do, and they couldn't let themself get distracted. They would have all the things they'd been promised by their hallucination, or the unrecorded Snakmatter phenomenon, or whatever it was, and if they had to, they'd achieve it all on their own. They couldn't wait around for anybody else to give it to them. Not even themself.
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hazey-moonlight · 2 years
What is your least favorite bugsnax?
I love the sweetieflies ! Also Kweeble cause they have cute lil feetsies 🥺 🥝
Least fave are noodler (their voices creep me out haha) scoopy and lollive
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